These functions find the packages/functions to use when running add_double_colons().

is_dev_context(dir = ".")

imported_functions(dir = ".")

  dir = ".",
  base_packages = getOption("defaultPackages"),
  include_types = "Imports"



The current working directory


Default packages to include


The types of package imports to return if the current context is package development. Should be a subset of c("Imports", "Depends", "Suggests", "Enhances", "LinkingTo")


  • current_packages() first checks if the current context is package development. If it is, then it returns the packages which are listed in the package DESCRIPTION as dependencies, but will not return any packages also listed as imports in the package NAMESPACE. If the current context is not package development, the currently attached packages (as given by search()) are used. Note that if {pkgload} is not installed then the latter option is always used.

  • imported_functions() looks for a package NAMESPACE file and returns the names of all imported functions. If a NAMESPACE file is not found, or if {pkgload} is not loaded, NULL is returned.